CNP Products

The CNP Ceramic permanent coatings series includes products for car coating and products for car washing and coating maintenance. The CNP product series is a luxurious coating series for industry professionals.

CNP Steadfast 9H

CNP Certified Nano Protection Steadfast 9H ceramic permanent coating is a protective agent for all paint surfaces. The sturdy layer it forms, true to its name, protects the paint surface from external damage such as traces left by bird droppings or insects, UV radiation, acid rain, salt, and reflects heat away and makes cleaning the surface easier.

CNP.'s certified Nano particles adhere firmly to the paint surface and thus form a permanent protective layer on top of the paint surface, without damaging the paint surface. The coating lasts up to 3 years with normal wear.

CNP Eminent

The CNP Eminent package is a two-component/layered nanoceramic permanent coating.

Eminent Embrace (K1) SiO2 based

A well-adhering primer that adapts to the strength and flexibility of the paint.


Eminent Solid(K2) SiCarbon-based sealant

This "Sealant/Liquid Sealer" bonds to the Embrace primed base. A sturdy protective layer sealed with the primer. As a feature, for example, excellent water and dirt repellency. In addition, a striking modern shine and reflection, which is best revealed in the variations of shadow and light. Duration 6 years.

CNP Marine 4 C S

The best possible protection for painted fiberglass surfaces, metal, painted and porous surfaces. Duration 1 year.

Leaves a smooth non-stick surface that repels dirt and oil and leaves a durable protection. Contains UV protection substances!

CNP Protector

CNP Certified Nano Protection Protector 9H, ceramic durable coating. Creates a dazzling mirror shine. Suitable for all paint surfaces. It protects the paint surface from external damage such as traces left by bird droppings or insects, UV radiation, acid rain and salt, and reflects heat away and makes cleaning the surface easier.

CNP.'s certified Nano particles stick firmly to the paint surface and thus form a permanent mirror-like protective layer on top of the paint surface, without damaging the paint surface. The coating lasts up to 5 years with normal wear.

CNP Fine Topping

CNP Fine Topping is a substance that improves water and dirt resistance and increases shine. CNP Fine Topping minimizes the need for mechanical contact and drying of the car's surface. Up to 1:100 volume ratio!

Thanks to the PH balance, I am well suited for hand washing and hand finishing after washing. Easy car care and durability for months to come!

1 liter bottle

CNP Foamy Wash

CNP Foamy Wash - Foaming car shampoo is a technology that produces a very rich foam. The foam effectively helps remove dirt. Prevents traces of water residues and leaves the film in mind for further processing. For example, with CNP Quick detailing products. Up to 1:100 volume ratio!

1 liter bottle.

CNP Wash & Protect 

CNP Wash & Protect is a detergent that coats your car with every wash. Your car will become shinier and stay clean for a long time.

The product can be used like a normal detergent or washed first with a wax-free solvent detergent, and then with Wash & Protect coating detergent. Up to 1:100 volume ratio!

Try it and see the top quality!

1 liter bottle.

CNP Reload

CNP Reload on vettä hylkivä pinnoite maalille, muoville, lasille, kankaalle sekä monelle muulle pinnalle. Sen kesto esimerkiksi auton maalipinnalla on n. 6kk.

Jos auto pinnoitetaan CNP:n keraamisella pinnoitteella, autoon voidaan lisätä vettä extrahylkivä suoja Reload, jo kun se on saavuttanut pölykuivan pinnan. Ilman edeltävää pinnoitusta, vettä hylkivä CNP Reload levitetään huolellisten pesujen ja rasvanpoiston jälkeen.

CNP Reload vettä hylkivä pinnoite luo mm. kankaalle erittäin vettä hylkivän pinnan. Kokeile sitä vaikka lenkkareihin tai moottoripyörän ajovarusteisiin!

CNP Vision Guard

CNP Vision Guard keeps raindrops off the windshield even at low speeds, from 40-60 km/h. Before installing the coating, go through the glass with the included film with the removal paste, according to the instructions on the Vision Guard package. Careful installation and new windshield wipers replaced during the coating are part of the investment in the durability of the coating.

Suitable for all glass surfaces and windows.

Test and see how it works!